Thursday, December 22, 2005

What a long strange trip it's been

2005 is winding down, and 2006 is just around the corner. All the folks behind would like to extend our best wishes for a productive and successful new year to each of our readers and subscribers. We also wish you a Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Happy Kwanzaa, or happy holidays (you know who you are).

Professor Cram

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Smartacus Study Sheets

Now that the November newsletter is out, we turned out attention to our latest product -- the Smartacus Study Sheets™.

Students have been using study sheets for years. Collections of notes, formulas, and such presented on one or more sheets make a great reference for studying. We've kicked it up a notch by embedding links for running the appropriate Cramlets™.

You can find our growing collection of Smartacus Study Sheets™ by clicking here.

They have everything we described above -- notes, formulas, and Cramlet™ links -- and you can print them if you want.

OK, here's the best part: you don't need to be logged in to use the study sheets! Sure, you need to register to use the Cramlets™, but you can view and print any Smartacus Study Sheet™ without registering or logging in.

Don't stay up too late!
Professor Cram